Australians munch through 5,000,000 bananas every day
If you put each banana end to end it would stretch from Sydney to Melbourne. That’s one long yellow highway!

Bananas are always bent due to a phenomenon known as negative geotropism
Once developed, instead of growing towards the ground, bananas turn towards the sun. The fruit continues growing against gravity, giving the banana its familiar curved shape.
The banana is the best fruit source of vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 assists the formation of red blood cells and certain brain chemicals. It influences brain processes and development, immune function and steroid hormone activity.

Despite their firm texture, bananas are composed of 75% water
That’s even more than a human body, which is 60% water.
At over 10,000 years old, bananas are the world’s oldest fruit
That’s about 5 times older than the Colosseum in Italy, or the Parthenon in Greece. which are around 2,000 years old!